Pamela Reynolds

pam's blog
Love Hurts

Love Hurts

Believing in our bonds of affection does not always prevent us from refraining from anger, due to the hurtful incidents we were forced to endure at the hands of a loved one. How sad for the first receiver and at times more painful to the other person who receives the revenge portion.

Giving and Receiving

Giving And Receiving

I don’t know about others but I can tell you how many times I have weighed in my mind, what pain or hurt others caused me. It seems silly and absurd and definitely not a worthy thing to do. So I question why I am guilty of doing it frequently. If I loved unconditionally, I would not have this problem at all. I recall how much I love my kids and profess to love them unconditionally.



Most of us ascertain the degree of patience we believe we were born with. I surmise that  most of us believe we lose our patience regularly, and most of us react with patience when we least expect it. Likely we still enjoy commenting on a crying baby, or frustrating situation that is not easy to deal with. I looked up the description for the word patience, in the dictionary. I am out to prove that all of us have patience in one or more forms, and we exhibit this attribute daily. We simply don’t recognize patience for what it actually is and what it really means.



As a people we have lost our faith. Religion and church are commendable but as much as we attend services, we have not incorporated it into our lives. Everything we do has a time, place and certain amount of energy we give to it. If Church and religion fit into our lives or schedules, we go with it. After all it is important to cover our bases just in case. None of us is likely sure of the after-life. We have no proof unless we accept and have faith in other people’s versions of episodes within their lives.

Living with Faith and Hope

Living With Despair Or Hope

How many of us are fearful at every turn. I would guess that most of us worry constantly. We fear so many things that we don’t even count or connect them anymore. Our anxiety level increases along with the stress. What we don’t see is the numerous diseases we encounter because of the pressure of our burdens. We may be able to walk through fire to help someone, especially our families, but facing the issues of daily life may bring us to our knees. I heard someone say that there would always be prayer in schools because there would always be tests.

Ordinary Might Be Extraordinary

Ordinary Might Be Extraordinary

I wonder why we can’t seem to control our measurements. It would be horrible if we went to work every day and listened to others talk about the best worker, smartest computer programmer, or other items we might consider. If neighbors commented on the lawns, houses, apartments or anything else that perhaps is measurable, we would avoid encounters with such individuals.



I am convinced that most of us believe we are not understood and that others don’t have enough sympathy for our trials and tribulations. There is a disconnect between what we say and do, and how others interpret that. Put another way, what we say and do is not always easily understood by others. Many people retreat from our conversations, confused with our words, and possibly insulted.

Speaking Frankly

Speaking Frankly

Thinking out of the box is praised, but if that means anything goes, we must protest and reflect on our actions. Perhaps we have stopped questioning motives or actions because the situations get too confusing. We can’t mix up our misconceptions with what are truly mistakes. Probably our anxiousness to shadow untruthfulness is our confused state of mind regarding the matter. We likely would rather pretend we don’t understand, or we haven’t all of the facts to voice an opinion. This alleviates guilt and emotional pain.

Perils of Judgement

Perils Of Judgement

The revelation of my estimations, took me by surprise  one day. Outwardly I keep most of my opinions to myself. I may join a discussion but I attempt to remain neutral for the sake of keeping peace and also to keep from hurting someone’s feelings. There are times when the disagreements turn into a confrontation, but being set in my ways keeps me strong in my viewpoints. This allows me to stand firm in my sentiments.

Going Back

Going Back

As we grow, most of us learn from the mistakes we made. We can’t admonish ourselves too much because we can’t always recall every second of our reasoning at that time in our lives. I am not giving any of us excuses but life is not about counting the wrongs as much as it is about acquiring knowledge. There are such tough lessons, that perhaps we might have absorbed sooner, but actually we must be content that we made the finding at all.
