Pamela Reynolds

pam's blog


All countries have their own ways of cruelty and tyranny. I was amazed at the other terms covering the meaning of oppression. Subjugation and persecution also fall into this category. Likely most of us might say we don’t persecute anyone nor subjugate any person.

Kids Find Love In Family Life

Kids Find Love In Family Life

The world desires are luring all of us as they profess to cure our unhappy mood and our overburdened life. They are like the charlatans that promised cures for our ailments with something within a bottle.

absolution for the suffering

Absolution for the Suffering

At the Holiday  time of year we are filled with anticipation for ourselves and for others. The last thing we think about is absolution. Perhaps we are all in need of forgiveness.  Sometimes we hold on to grudges for many years. I honestly don’t know why we can’t let things go



The hurts and pain are real no doubt. The ways we perceive them as well as the reasons behind the occurrences are always shadowed by our own paintbrush. Children have suffered abuses of all kinds at the hands of those they love. Adults who want to become whole again must see through the infliction and search to find the strength to forgive those who perhaps owed them so much more.

Embrace the Moment

Embrace the Moment

All of us are guilty of sensing contrariness all around us. The challenge is to override the negative and embrace the joyful present encounters. Of course all is easier said than done. I find most moments in time are significant and more meaningful than we could ever imagine.

Let Go of False Pretense

Let Go of False Pretense

Likely we are all tired of being afraid to admit we are scared most of our lives. Presenting ourselves as capable human beings is the norm. Any of us that fall short of the mark simply hide the truth sometimes even from ourselves. Most of our frustrations deadlines jobs and burdens have more to do with how others may perceive us if we fall short of the time restraints.



The person who has been injured at one time or another may wonder why the one at fault doesn’t appear to be contrite right after the incident. They may also question how little the transgressor thought about what they had done. Most of the reviewing at least in the beginning of a conflict, appears to come from the person that got hurt. Perhaps the pain reaches the heart and soul a lot quicker and leads one to reflect on the reasons a bit more.

Stress Within Or Without

Is Stress Within Or Without?

We all discuss stress every day and at any given moment we are willing to either offer sympathy for another person’s problems or we want to divulge our own issues and garner support. Perhaps that is why social media is so intriguing because it offers all kinds of aid. We can dump problems on the pages of social media and await a generous supply of replies from others. Likewise, we hope to offer them the same kind of help when they are feeling the pressures of life.

Everyone Disappoints

Everyone Disappoints

There are many times throughout the day when our closest family members sell us out or disappoint us. Of course, the ideas quickly depart from our minds because we just can’t handle the disappointment we feel. Spouses, children’s parent’s siblings, friends, co-workers, and bosses are all included
