Pamela Reynolds

pam's blog
Answers Promote Questions

Answers Promote Questions

I never plan on being reproachful, but at times the truth blurts out of my mouth, and of course feelings are hurt. I am so sensitive myself, and loathe direct remarks, yet to correct it in myself is not easy. Sometimes I get the laughs, like I can’t believe you just said that. We all handle censure in various ways. I am working on thinking before sharing.



The word gossip brings cringes to most people. None of us like to be accused  of gossiping. It is the most common form of recreation, that we all indulge in, no mater how old we are. Questioning our reasons for participating in it, is very important. Many times we lose sight of the damage that it causes. It appears to be harmless, so we rarely stop. Perhaps we should question why we feel the need to trash others. Again the use of the word trash makes us uncomfortable.

Details Of Life

Details Of Life

How many of us have tunnel vision? It is simple to do and often happens. Maybe it occurs due to our earnest desire to get things done. We don’t want to waste time so we search for the quick meaning in any given situation.  If one runs towards an injured person and misses the dangerous gas permeating a room, you are both in trouble. The same is true in life.
