Silly Soup
A humorous story about a little boy who decides make soup the way he has seen his mother do many times before. However, he puts things in his soup that are quite different from his mother’s ingredients. His dog and cat are mystified onlookers to his Silly Soup
Leave Your Ego at Home
I have spent many years researching and writing about relationships of all kinds. Sharing my findings will support others in attaining a positive transformation in their lives. Our differences pale when compared to the most fundamental ways we are the same. Concern with family, friends, and unavoidable obstacles, resonates with us. Transform your stress, anxiety, and despair by using simple techniques that keep your mind clear.
We all strive for serenity in our lives. The book offers suggestions about how you can gain power over emotions and egos when a situation gets out of control. This book provides insight into our conscious thoughts, and it offers us the support and courage to delve into our fears and overcome them. Learn how to live your life with purpose.
The Bullying Pandemic
Adults deserve a community approach when raising children. A society includes parents, teachers, ministers, social workers, business owners, coaches, cub scout and brownie leaders, police and firefighters, librarians, senior citizens, and high school students. We can work together and help families and children in need. Change one life at a time. End bullying and child abuse and save the children, our most precious resource
Kids bring worries to school. I had an idea one day and shared it with the kids; We need a worry box to dump our worries. “Write your name on a paper for every worry you have and before you slip the paper into the slot in the box cover, say a prayer and ask God to help you.” Every day I wait for the kids to finish up their worries.
One child works at writing his name on many papers. I question him, “Timmy, are you almost finished?” The young child slouches on his knees and legs, gives me a wary look and sighs. He pushes up his large glasses that keep falling on his nose. “Well, Mrs. Reynolds, I have a lot of worries today, but I’m almost done.”
I smile at Timmy and get a bigger smile in return. I walk back into the classroom and say, “Sorry for the delay class, but Timmy has a lot of worries today.” They wait for Timmy to finish, and no child complains. One girl raises her hand and says, “I know-how Timmy feels. I had a lot of worries last week.”
Today is not a good day; it is a great day. Silently I say a prayer to God, thanking him for the Worry Box success.
One cool autumn day a young girl watched a drama unfold before her eyes. Because of her intervention, a lifelong friendship and love developed. This love went beyond life and death. Lives were changed and barriers crossed. A respect for all living creatures was a lesson learned outside of school.
Stimpy was a cat who will never be forgotten by his owner, Emily. After reading about his life and escapades, readers will not easily forget this heroic, lovable, mischievous, independent, friendly and loyal cat. Based on real accounts of his life, it will open the readers’ eyes to the real truth about cats. You will never look at an animal in the same way again.
The Mother-in-law
Daughter-in-law Dilemma
The exciting new book, The Mother-in-law Daughter-in-law Dilemma explores the huge but ignored problems in the mother-in-law daughter-in-law relationship which plays havoc within the family. It is possible to improve the relationship.
The information in the book uncovers the hidden secrets behind this relationship with over 25 years of investigations, discussions and surveys. This is a must read not only for brides, mothers-in-law and bridal party but also for married women of all ages.