The Introspective Habit
How important it is to be more introspective before we say and do those simple things that wound others so deeply.
How important it is to be more introspective before we say and do those simple things that wound others so deeply.
Have you ever had a disagreement with a friend and felt the defensive egos rising to the surface? We fault the other person for the majority of the encounter? I have a sense that all of us like to believe we bear the lesser of the blame.
Focusing more on what is honest mindful and right about our lives and behavior sends what is dishonest immoral and wrong in our lives fleeing in despair. I know we should focus on the good but are we pretending there is no bad in our midst?
Our intentions regarding any matter are mixed and hidden because we are trying to fathom ourselves and others. It may not make sense but if you ask someone why they performed a certain act of kindness or meanness they usually give a group of responses for the one question. It made sound like, “I wanted to help them and they supported me and I felt like I owed them.” The list continues in a confusing way and you wonder why you asked the question in the first place.
I was looking up the word mercy the other day and discovered so many words attached to it that it surprised me due to their different meanings like the words kindness, understanding and generosity. We might ask ourselves what does generosity have to do with mercy. Of course if you forgive someone who may not deserve forgiveness in most peoples’ eyes, so perhaps you have bestowed mercy in a generous way. I had to think about it for a long time.
Have you ever noticed how easily someone can knock you off of your game plan and cause you to doubt yourself? All they need to do is plant those little seeds of doubt or give the quick retort that leaves you questioning what they meant for days. We all fall prey to these people who come in the form of friends, family co-workers and unfriendly ties.
Have you ever been the victim of humiliation and felt like leaving a place , conversation or person who is victimizing you? I know there are degrees of everything but subtle or intense humiliation makes no difference to the victim because they know they are the subject or target of abuse.
The one with the most money and toys is considered the winner in some cases. Somehow we threw out the attributes and heart of what is important in life. We are left with more stressful things to contend with. None of us are jealous of those people who live together in family structures and live to support each other and remain equal to each other. In some ways this is more relaxing because the competition is taken out of the equation.
Do you question why you love anyone? What is it that makes you like them? Do you forgive them? People who are just married will say I would forgive my spouse anything. I think if that were the case we would see fewer divorces.
No one could agree on who had the worst birth order placement. It seems like a silly thing to argue about but try saying it to a group of friends and watch he discussion fly. I have thought about it quite a bit and I don’t like any of the negatives that go along with any of the positions. When I was done recalling everyone’s complaints I realized we were just talking about life.