Pamela Reynolds

pam's blog
The Power of Prayer

Steering Around Holiday Potholes (PART 1)

Holidays remind us of past memories, which can be both good and bad. Keep the present holidays central, and be thankful to share it with people you love. Each holiday is unique. It is not possible or necessary to repeat a holiday experience. Embrace each holiday with a renewed spirit. Be fair when dividing your Holiday time between families. It might not be possible to spend your holidays with your children.

find serenity in the moral struggle

Find Serenity in the Moral Struggle

We all have varying degrees of flexibility. As children, most of us exhibit lots of flexibility. As soon as a friend calls we are out the door. Growth and maturity appear to dampen our willingness to bend or stretch in different ways. If we think about this situation, we realize the sadness of our plight. We may be free in body but our minds and thinking become more and more enslaved until we perform our duties ritualistically.

We All Need Space

We All Need Space

Needing space is not always about the living area. At times we need a break from certain people. We may love them and care about them but we need a break from them. By recognizing this important fact, we can keep a distance when necessary and not only maintain a relationship but have no guilt.
