Pam Reynolds

Mother of 4 Grandmother of 10

sunflower hat

Happy ?

What does it mean to be happy? If you asked a million people their answers would likely be different. Happy means to be pleased joyful cheerful blissful exultant ecstatic delighted and content.

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Clout of the Past

The Clout Of The Past

Wow but when I look back on what happened up to this point in time, I can see the numerous mistakes I made. I just can hardly believe I am guilty, of the huge number of horrible choices. I am ashamed at the things I didn’t say and didn’t do. I am also embarrassed for the occasions I did say and do things, I shouldn’t have said or done. I can’t believe I was capable of such behavior, but it is staring me right in the face. If I could go back, I would change so much.

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Tumbleweed Kids

Tumbleweed Kids

“A divorce is like an amputation: you survive it, but there’s less of you.” Margaret Atwood Are we tossing kids out with the garbage after the divorce? I recently had my 3rd book published “TUMBLEWEED KIDS” and

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Searching For Purpose

Searching For Purpose

“Only a life lived for others is a life worthwhile.”  Albert Einstein “Strive not to be a success,but rather to be of value.” Albert Einstein Most people like to share something about themselves with others.

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Never Give Up

Never Give Up

“If we would just slow down enough to consider what’s true and real and always try to understand the way other people feel and be less quick to anger and show appreciation more and love the people

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When Envy Activates Suspicion

When Envy Activates Suspicion

“Sometimes our candle goes out,but is blown into flame by an encounter with another human being.” Albert Schweitzer How are your days progressing? As one gets older the times seem to manifest bittersweet memories. We

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