Pam Reynolds

Mother of 4 Grandmother of 10

A Demonstration of Holiday Love

A Demonstration of Holiday Love

 If one searches for the word nurturing in a dictionary it means things like cherish, support, care for, look after, and take care of. Bringing up children goes beyond our wildest thoughts about what parenthood

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Advice Gone Wild

Advice Gone Wild

“Do you have agendas for your children that are more important than the children themselves? Lost in the shuffle of uniforms, practices, games, recitals, and performances can be the creative and joyful soul of your

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Change is an exhilarating ride

Change Is An Exhilarating Ride

We either hate change or fear it. One thing is for sure it is always around us. No matter what the age, changes are certain. When we are young we don’t care about it because we all want to be bigger fast. There are a lot of first challenges and we look forward to those. Parents seem to like having their kids transform quickly into self-sufficient adults.

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Bullying Ends When Adults Stop Bullying

Bullying Ends When Adults Stop Bullying

“Bullying consists of the least competent most aggressive employee projecting their incompetence on to the least aggressive most competent employee and winning.”    Tim Field “Who’s stronger? – The person who goes through bad experiences and

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The Impact of Divorce on Children

“There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” Nelson Mandela Parenting can’t be left to the TV, computer, I-pad, I-phone tweeting, texting or any

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Escape the Fear And Anxiety

Escape the Fear And Anxiety

“To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions ; both dispense with the necessity of reflection.” Jules Henri Fear can and does take over our lives. Chunking down our fears shows

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Accepting Others

Accepting Others

“Letting go doesn’t mean that you don’t care about someone anymore. It’s just realizing that the only person you really have control over is yourself.”    Deborah Reber “Some people believe holding on and hanging

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